
Our Environmental Policy

As Merinos, one of the leading carpet manufacturing companies in the world, we aim to ensure development, improvement, and sustainability in our environmental management system based on our principles and performance targets. In this context we commit to;

  • Create objectives and measurable targets in our environmental management system, ensure their compatibility with the company's strategic direction and context, evaluate and improve environmental performance according to these targets,
  • Use natural resources efficiently, reduce waste, wastewater, and emissions at source,
  • Increase recycling and recovery within the framework of sustainability,
  • Avoid or reduce greenhouse gas emissions or reduce their net contribution to climate change, including the impact area, in accordance with the legislation in force in the Republic of Türkiye,
  • Reduce environmental impacts through a product life cycle approach starting from the R&D design phase,
  • Determine and share necessary environmental conditions with our suppliers in line with the life cycle principle for product-service purchases with significant environmental impact,
  • Complying with other relevant requirements beyond the environmental legislation in effect in the Republic of Türkiye and reviewing and improving our environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 requirements,
  • Fulfilling our environmental responsibilities with respect for all stakeholders including employees, customers, suppliers, government agencies and shareholders, and society in general, in order to protect the environment,
  • Increase environmental and sustainability awareness of our employees and stakeholders within our impact area,Encourage a learning culture and improvement based on risk management against non-conformities and emergency situations by collaborating with employees and ensuring their participation in all company processes,
  • Providing necessary resources for the environmental management system and ensuring the achievement of the intended outcomes of the environmental management system,
  • Managing our impacts on our operations and supply chain, taking leading actions to protect biodiversity in our areas of operation.

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Ali Erdemoğlu